7/27/2010 - Pre-Market Earnings Update

12 stocks with a earnings surprise >= 50%. For more details visit the Earnings Watch List

Company Symbol Surprise
A.M. Castle & Co. CAS 200
Under Armour, Inc. UA 133
CIT Group Inc. CIT 115
PAR Technology Corporation PTC 100
Umpqua Holdings Corporation UMPQ 100
PrivateBancorp, Inc. PVTB 95
L.B. Foster Company FSTR 76
CTS Corporation CTS 69
Patriot Coal Corporation PCX 56
Montpelier Re Holdings Ltd. MRH 52
Rockwood Holdings, Inc. ROC 51
QLT Inc. (USA) QLTI 50

5 Response to 7/27/2010 - Pre-Market Earnings Update

July 27, 2010 at 5:37 PM

Thanks for all your help and ideas. Is there a way to edit my copy of your Fund Ranking tool so I can include more Funds? I figured out how to do it to get the Fund symbols but I am not sure how to have each formula default to the proper cell A11, A12, A13, etc within each formula. Thanks.


July 27, 2010 at 9:37 PM

You should be able to copy a row and then past the new row down at the bottom. Otherwise, you should be able to change the existing symbol in column A to your new symbol and everything will update. Let me know if you're still having problems.

July 27, 2010 at 10:09 PM

Thanks, Dan. I must be doing something wrong. It will update if I put a new symbol in column A. I was just trying to figure out how to extend the number that I could put in the chart. I tried copying and pasting but that would not update to the right line. If I copy A10 it stays A10 when I put it on A11. Does that make sense?

July 28, 2010 at 5:13 AM

To add more rows to your spreadsheet follow following steps:
In DC's spreadsheet last data row is 15. Select that row from A15 to k15. When you do this a small blue square will be visible in right corner of cell k15. Just drag that square down for as many rows as you want.
Then replace the mutual fund symbols with your fund symbols.
If you still have problem then email me.

July 28, 2010 at 5:50 AM

That works. Thanks!

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