10/13/2010 - Sector 50 Review

Last night we reviewed the stocks in the strongest sectors that have yet had huge run-ups over the past 30 days. Today, we will look at the Sector 50 that was known as the Top Stocks Ranked by Momentum and Sector Momentum. These are the strongest stocks in the strongest sectors. They are the stocks currently leading the market.

You need to use a shorter pullback method to enter these stocks since they are rockets. The Emerging 50 uses a 30 day weakness, for the Sector 50 you want to use a 3 to 5 day weakness for entry. The Stock Bee Top 25 Breakout criteria works great against this list. The Percolator scan will also pick up pullbacks from this list.

To view the full watch list; login into Bluefin and select Sector 50 from the View Watch List menu.

Below are some decent setups I found reviewing the list this evening.

Stocks mentioned in this post:
Rediff.com India Limited (ADR) (Public, NASDAQ:REDF)
Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (USA) (Public, NYSE:IVN)
Amtech Systems, Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:ASYS)

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