One of the most important aspects of swing trading is keeping a log of your trades. The amount of work involved with tracking data can be overwhelming. Google Spreadsheet is a great solution since you can access it from any where. The interface is easy to use and you can embed Google Finance functions. These functions will grab today’s stock data or historical data. Let’s cover the basics on building out a swing trading log:
First we want to add the headers to the document: Date, Symbol, Purchase Price, Current Price, Change, Total Shares, and Gain/Loss.
After you have added your headers, Freeze row 1 by going to the View Menu and click “Freeze Rows: Freeze 1 row” from the drop down menu. This prevents your headers from moving off the screen when your log begins to grow.
Now with the headers set, it’s time to review a few of the basic Google Finance Functions.
To get the Current Price of any stock: =GoogleFinance(B2 ; ʺpriceʺ)
Just like excel you can reference the Cell that contains the ticker symbol. In this Case B2 which is “CSU”.
To get the Open Price of any stock: =GoogleFinance(B2 ; ʺpriceopenʺ)
To get today’s volume: =GoogleFinance(B2; "volume")
To get today’s high: =GoogleFinance(B2; "high")
To get today’s low: =GoogleFinance(B2; "low")
To get a historical price use: =INDEX(GoogleFinance(b2 ; ʺpriceʺ ; ʺ3/25/2013ʺ) ; 2 ; 2 )
Once you’ve inserted the Google Finance functions you can use a few basic formulas to calculate Change and Gain/Loss.
To calculate total change: =D2-C2
Total calculate Gain/Loss: =E3 * D3
Google spreadsheet is easy to use and the integration with Google Finance is a big plus. You can access your spreadsheet from any device across the internet. If you have not started that trading log, now is the time. Below is an example to help get you started.
Example Spreadsheet
You can find the complete list of Google Functions here.
21 Response to How to Add Google Finance Functions to Your Google Spreadsheet
Help, help, help please. I have spent an hour trying to find a list of valid googlefinance parameters.
I can't believe that they created a program and then left it up to users to guess how it worked - but I can't find a list of parameters anywhere.
I see that you are aware of at least some that work in the function.
Can you point me to anyplace that actually documents the googlefinance function AND INCLUDES A LIST OF VALID PARAMETERS.
My general opinion of Google has gone down dramatically in the past hour. This is (ridiculous, incompetent, stupid) (pick one).
Thanks for any help.
Here are a few more examples of attributes you can access using the GoogleFinance function:
price: market price of the stock.
priceopen: the opening price of the stock for the current day.
high: the highest price the stock traded for the current day.
low: the lowest price the stock traded for the current day.
volume: number of shares traded of this stock for the current day.
marketcap: the market cap of the stock.
tradetime: the last time the stock traded.
datadelay: the delay in the data presented for this stock using the googleFinance() function.
volumeavg: the average volume for this stock.
pe: the Price-to-Earnings ratio for this stock.
eps: the earnings-per-share for this stock.
high52: the 52-week high for this stock.
low52: the 52-week low for this stock.
change: the change in the price of this stock since yesterday's market close.
beta: the beta value of this stock.
changepct: the percentage change in the price of this stock since yesterday's close.
closeyest: yesterday's closing price of this stock.
shares: the number of shares outstanding of this stock.
currency: the currency in which this stock is traded.
Looks like the original reference was moved. I found this one that covers most of the functions:
Your sample spreadsheet does not use the function(s):
=INDEX(GoogleFinance(b2 ; ʺpriceʺ ; ʺ3/25/2013ʺ) ; 2 ; 2 )
To get the historical stock price. I have tried to use it but it does not work the way you explain it. Any thoughts on this and how you can get it to work as you describe?
OK, I take back my comment about it not working. It does work. I'm just not sure why you didn't use the function in your example spreadsheet.
The function in the spreadsheet gets current price. The example above is used to get a historical price.
I've added a column using the example above.
I have to thank you for this good site .I for sure loved every little bit of it. I have you bookmarked your web site to look at the latest stuff you put up.
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