How To: Import the Watchlists into Telechart

[updated July 12, 2010]
Step 1. Click the option "Telechart" found next to Export text for the specific watch list.

Step 2: Open the file with your default spreadsheet application.

Step: 2B: VERY IMPORTANT - Scroll down to the bottom of the list and remove the text after the last symbol.
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Highlight only the Cells with symbols (Cells 1 through 50) in column A. Then go to the File Menu and select "Save As", and select "Text (Tab Delimited". Click Save.


Step 2C: Open the newly saved .txt file and verify there are no lines after the last symbol on the file. Extra blank lines will cause problems with importing into Telechart.

Step 3: In Telechart, go to the WatchList menu and select “Import Symbols From List.” Be sure you are in an empty or new watchlist.

Step 4: Select the file you saved earlier.

Once the symbols are imported. You can then sort by 30 Day growth, lowest to highest. If you are a Stockbee member, you can apply the top 25 breakout method to narrow the list down.

1 Response to How To: Import the Watchlists into Telechart

June 16, 2010 at 3:40 AM

Thanks for posting step 10. That method is new to me so it is appreciated!

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